Hello all on the label and friends! Firstly, A Happy New Year/2013 to you all. We have a raft or releases this year, including; 2 abums by Jay Stansfield, one a remix album and teh other his 2nd solo album. We have maiden album releases by Lord Numb, SCHMOE, Gaunt Story, GIS? and a maiden EP by The Penny Licks. We will also have a welcome return to our release schedule by Mr Gordon Charlton with his new Beat Frequency album. We will announce all release dates in the very near future when finalised dates have been made.
May I also ask you to vote for Jay Stansfield in The Chartburst chart - http://www.chartburst.com/
We are greatly looking forward to seeing some of you at Sonic Weekend 9, we will be announcing venue and details for Sonic W 10 in April, A landmark that will be celebrated by a party!
Thanks for all your support in 2012 and I hope we can count on it in 2013, it is greatly appreciated. All the best Marc.